1. E-Book v. Printed Book - HubSpot posted this on their blog. Very interesting to see Amazon's eBook sales exceed their printed book sales. We've seen it with music, dvd rentals and books. The digital world has completely disrupted these industries. Misc thoughts/observations.
- Music and DVD rental stores are almost impossible to find now, but bookstores, although less than before, are still around.
- Big Box bookstores have kind of figured this out, but they need a lecture from Starbucks' CEO Howard Schultz on "The Experience". In my humble opinion, big box bookstores have to create a one of a kind "experience" or their life will be short-lived. Experience Hint #1 - Quit putting your locations in strip malls with fluorescent lights. Reduce inventory and give me something a little more quaint.
- Personal preference - I am a hard copy kind of guy. I like the touch and feel and there is something satisfying about looking at my bookshelf at home and seeing all the books that I have read.
- Overall Marketing Takeaway - Does your business have a digital disaster plan? I'm speaking specifically to service industries that rely heavily on market information or field expertise. Finance, Real Estate, Law, Accounting...be prepared!
- Thoughts on eBook v. Printed book and the next industry to be hit?
3. Name the location - Stopped by here on the way back from Albany, GA. 1st person to respond gets to sit on the jury for Harvey Updyke's case.