Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fiser's Daily Thoughts - 4.20.11

FDTs for 4.20.11:

My apologies for missing yesterday. I was away for most of the day. Back at it today...

1. Attention Upcoming Graduates - I really enjoyed this article from Brad Feld. Read it over lunch and being an MBA student instantly connected. How did you choose where to go after college/grad school? Decision based on a job or based on a city or something else? My first jump out of college was based on a job and not where I wanted to make a life. Don't get me wrong...I'm glad I did it this way b/c ultimately I made a life and met my wife. Article reminds me of a quote from Twain,
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore. Dream.  Discover."
Hope all the upcoming graduates will get a little inspiration from this article.

2. Internal Brand Ambassadors - Is your team ambassadors for your brand 24/7 or just during working hours? I'm certainly not advocating that everyone drink the company Kool-Aid 24/7, but I do think that employees can capitalize on great opportunities outside of work. Might be at a church, a child's school function, a bar, etc. Do you have your team prepared to be an ambassador for your brand? If I run across any literature on this, I will post to the blog.

3. Grizz Nation! Rise Up! 7:30pm CT TNT. Let's do this!


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