Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fiser's Daily Thoughts - 4.28.11

FDTs for 4.28.11:

Apologies for missing a few days. Had a couple of road trips and my power has been down for 2 days with all the storms in Memphis.

1. Twitter in the Rain - Speaking of bad weather. With three consecutive days of inclement weather in MEM, I have found that Twitter is by far the best way to get weather updates. The last thing I want in any storm is DirecTV!

2. Pay It Forward - Okay on to more exciting things... @SteveCase tweeted this website out today.  It's 20 blogs that every entrepreneur should read. I'm a big believer of spending 30 min. each day to cruise through articles, blogs, tweets from forward thinking business people. Don't stop there. Pay it forward and send it to your current customers and prospects. It might be the spark for more business. Let me know if it works...

3. Got a big open house tonight at the office. Not even sure I need to mingle with customers/prospects since we have Ghost River/@boscossquared beer! Got a keg of Golden Ale and Witbier and that should do all the talking!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Gray, Welcome back. Love the new format. I may have to start blogging again since I have the priviledge of being one of your killa blogz. Glad yall weathered the storms. We are ok here, too. by the way, the word I have to decode to post this message is "farkn" --