Thursday, January 22, 2009

Site Tracker

In a nostalgic move, I decided to take a moment and check out the Working Days... archives and read some of the fan comments. After viewing two or three post, I realized that the Working Days... blog is about as recession proof as the economy. In an effort to better track the progress of this magnificent publication, I have installed a site tracker. This thing is like a heat seeking missile. If you read the blog and don't comment, it will come find you and destroy you. So I beggeth you not to become a victim of the "Site Tracker" because it will find you. Also, I have decided to put some people on the Endangered Commenters List. These once thriving commenters are near extinction and we wouldn't want their fate to be like the dinosaurs. If you are on the list, a comment within the next 30 days will provide me with sufficient evidence to remove you from the list. Here is the list and a few comments about the species:

1. Sarah Fiser - My wife for those who didn't put two and two together. Where you at honey? Reading without commenting is like marriage with no commitment.

2. Jordan "JoJo" Holt - The former JoJo Orso, now married to frequent commenter Alex Holt of the "That much further ham" blog has been missing since 2006. I know that marriage has taken a toll on the commenting, but if your hubby can do can. I look forward to hearing from the woman who keeps Alex from eating Krystal at 4 AM with no shirt on.

3. David "Daryl Waltrip" Weems - Upon his completion of law school, this young JD has gone missing. Some tell me he is knee deep in contracts at his current law firm. While this poses a plausible excuse, one would argue that if he has time to sun by his pool then he has time to comment. Don't become extinct DW.

4. Clare Rush - The former Clare Smith, was an avid commenter in '06. It is believed that she has gone missing for many of the same reasons as Daryl Waltrip. I would hope that with a husband that has the competence to fly fighter jets, she would have the competence to comment. Time is running out, so please don't become extinct.

5. Bridgers Family - Besides my wife, this list is full of teachers and lawyers. One would think that school must be in session, or bankruptcies must be flowing at this time of year. This famous Bonnie and Clyde duo has been spotted, but only briefly in the past couple of years. It has been in places such as Winston Salem, Chicago, and Tuscaloosa. I don't believe this is sufficient to get them off the Endangered Commenter List. A comment from this duo will solidify that this captivating duo still exist.

People that didn't make the Endangered Commenter List, but are being placed on Commenter Watch are as follows:

1. Robbie Stroud
2. Anna Fiser
3. Craig Hey
4. Matt Kemph
5. Maggie O'Connor

A special thanks to these faithful commenters who keep me going:
1. Courtney Baxley
2. Alex Holt

Don't Become Extinct, Comment Today!


Anonymous said...

i prefer to comment in person -what else are we going to talk about when you come home :) haha

The Bridgers Duo said...

Fine Fine looks like the Bridgers duo is going to have to make an appearance on the blogging world. any suggestions for some good names? Bridger-over-troubled-water just doesn't have the pep or ring to it...gray???

Gray said...

Bridgers family,

Here are my suggestions:

1. Bridgers Bullets - digging up the old name, but this time you put a picture of the old Washington Bullets Logo on your material.

2. Moses Prose - is old boy still alive? if so, might be your first entry on the blog. If not, sorry to bring it up.

3. I-20 Haulers - I hear there a lots of trips between bham and tuscaloosa

I will continue to rack my brain throughout the day. Know that this is on the top of my "to do" list today.

Maggie said...

Maggie wuz here.

A said...

Hey... This is Jordan under Alex's name! Sorry I have dropped the ball! Sarah filled me in tonight and I promise to be a better "commenter" in the future! I love Gray's Blog!!

The Bridgers Duo said...

great names, gray! of course moses is still alive...and kicking (and seizuring in chicago, but perhaps that's another story for a future blog) the meantime, we'll relish the hilarious musings of our favorite man-color, gray.

Gray said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gray said...

These people have been removed from the Endangered Commenter List:
Wife - Supportive as always
JoJo Holt - nice to have you back
Bridgers Family - bringing the heat with the comments. i like it!
O'Connor - Your back to normalcy. now if we can just get a post on Huckleberries

I now have no choice but to place Robbie Stroud, Anna Fiser, and Matt Kemph on the Endangered Commenter List.'s understandable. Sisters...ouch! that hurts!

Anonymous said...

Now that I have more time on my hands....i will no longer be endagered....if you know what i mean

Anonymous said...

Contracts suck. I'm gonna start bartending and commenting.